Increase win-win trade relations between Iran and India.
Director General of the Indian Subcontinent Trade Development Organization of Iran: Hadi Talebian Moghadam, Director General of the Indian Subcontinent Trade Development Organization of Iran, announced a conference to showcase the opportunities and capabilities of presence in the Indian market for companies and Iranian businessmen.

 Hadi Talebian Moghadam, Director General of the Indian Subcontinent (South Asia) of the Trade Development Organization, referring to the holding of the conference to introduce the opportunities and capacities of the presence in the Indian market for Iranian companies and businessmen, held this conference as a step towards the development of Iran's trade and increasing trade relations. He knew two countries.
Pointing out that the volume of trade with India in 2022 was close to 5 billion dollars, Talebian Moghadam said: despite the high potential of the two countries for the development of economic and trade relations, it is necessary for Iranian businessmen to familiarize themselves with the opportunities and capacities of this market and hold This conference can help a lot to introduce this market.
Advantages of New Delhi for business relations with Tehran
The director general of the Indian subcontinent office, referring to the approach and look to the east of the 13th government of J.A., the significant and growing trend of the Indian market, the long-standing cultural and commercial relations between Iran and India, the population of more than 1.4 billion people in India, India's import of 723 billion dollars from the world and other coordinates added: India is a good market for the export of consumer products from Iran, and therefore the possibility of developing Iran's exports to this country and paying special attention and trying to increase its presence in this market is a possible and profitable goal. .
Talebian Moghadam considered India's membership in important international multilateral organizations such as BRICS, having a large and diverse market and high economic and industrial growth of this country among the advantages of New Delhi for business relations with Tehran and continued: On the other hand, it can be attributed to its exceptional geopolitical position. Iran and the establishment of our country on the path of international corridors, including the huge North-South international transportation corridor, the existence of energy, oil and gas resources, the existence of suitable and desirable ports in the north and south of the country for the transit of goods, as well as the existence of technical engineering and knowledge-based companies with high standards. For the implementation of joint technical and engineering projects, he pointed out that they are considered as Iran's benefits for expanding economic and trade relations with India.
Iran's benefits for expanding economic and trade relations with India
Pointing to Iran's advantages for expanding economic and trade relations with India, this official said: the existence of export fields for agricultural products, including kiwifruit, and important and fundamental issues in trade, such as preferential trade agreements, joint investments, and the development of Chabahar port infrastructure, capacities and facilities. In the development of regional and international transportation and transit, the development of small towns is one of the important issues of trade between the two countries.
The director general of the Indian subcontinent (South Asia) of the Trade Development Organization also pointed to the records and history of India's strong and long-standing relations and said: Iran and India, with their rich culture and history of ancient civilization, have had friendly and cordial relations with each other throughout history. Centuries ago and long ago, they have established strong historical and cultural relations.
Moreover, the economies of Iran and India are complementary in some way, and many goods produced in the two countries can be traded between them.
Regarding the guests and speakers of the conference presenting the opportunities and capabilities of presence in the Indian market, Talebian Moghadam said: Head of the Iranian Development and Trade Organization, Ambassador of Iran to India, Ambassador of the India in Iran, Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture, Managing Director of Indian Subcontinent Office, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran Guarantee Fund, Representative of Confederation of Indian Industries, Chairman of Indian Chamber of Commerce and PHD industry, representative of Export Federation of India will deliver speeches during this conference.
Also, other related institutions and major exporters are present at this conference who will transfer their experiences and discuss and exchange opinions on solutions regarding opportunities and capabilities for presence in the Indian market.
It should be noted that in the bilateral trade between India and Iran, oil and fuel accounted for the largest share.
However, since May 2019 and after the end of the oil embargo exemption, the amount of oil and fuel exported to India has been decreasing and decreasing, and consequently the volume of imports from India decreased. Thus, in 2021, the trade balance has become positive in favor of Iran.
In 2022, Iran's exports to India reached 2 billion and 146 million dollars, which increased by 18% compared to the previous year.
On the other hand, Iranian imports from India also grew by 80% and reached 2 billion and 849 million dollars.
Also, the volume of trade with India in 2022 was close to 5 billion dollars.
Major products exported from Iran to India in 2022 include petroleum bitumen, methanol, anhydrous ammonia, sponge iron products, toluene, polyethylene, mineral base oil and major imports from India in 2022 include whole milled rice, black tea, aluminum oxide, green and fresh bananas, ferromanganese, other aromatic products used in food industry, coals, raw sugar, peanuts.

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