Details of 4.9 billion trade between Iran and India.
According to statistics released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs: Examination of published official statistics shows that trade between Iran and India has increased by around 50% in the last year.

According to statistics released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs, the total trade between Iran and India increased last year from 1400 and faced a growth of 47% in terms of dollars. and an increase of 155% in terms of rials, but in terms of weight saw a decrease of 10%.
This growth in trade between Iran and India has occurred despite the decrease in total trade between the two countries in terms of weight.
A look at trade between the two countries shows that last year Iran exported around $2.1 billion worth of various products to India, upping this trading partner by one notch and making it the fifth largest destination. export from Iran.
Iran's imports from this country last year compared to 1400 also grew by 80%, and Indians are the fourth largest importer of various products to Iran, higher than last year .
In 1400, Iran imported about $1.5 billion worth of miscellaneous goods from India, and this country was called the sixth seller of Iran.
This year, however, it was promoted two ranks with the import of over $2.5 billion.
According to the statistics of imports from India to Iran last year, it shows a 40% increase in terms of weight, an 80% increase in terms of dollar value and an 851% increase in terms of dollar value. rial compared to 1400.
Examining the details of Iran's exports to India shows that "ammonia without water" ranks first among goods exported to India and holds a share of more than 18.04% in this long list.
After that, "Qairneft" is the second export product to India, on which businessmen of this country spent more than 327 million dollars.
Of course, “methanol” ranks third in this table and is one of the main export products to India.

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