Tehran; Regional Conflict Mediator.
Decipher Iran's proposal to form the “Persian Gulf Dialogue Assembly”; The conditions and the growing dissatisfaction of some Persian Gulf countries with the United States, as well as Iran's idea of ​​promoting stability in the region, may present Tehran as a potential mediator in the resolution of conflicts. regional.

At the beginning of July this year, Hossein Amirabdollahian, Iran's Foreign Minister, said in his Instagram post: Considering the importance of neighbors in the country's foreign policy and in the direction of strengthening the neighborhood policy of the 13th government, shortly after hosting the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia and having useful talks in Tehran, I visited the 4 countries of Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and of the United Arab Emirates in the southern part of the Persian Gulf.
The conversation with senior officials and my counterparts from these countries was very positive, constructive and full of hope for everyone, both on the north and south side of the strategic water area of the Persian Gulf, promising "a better, safer and more prosperous future for people who have ties of affection, love and kinship.” It is rooted and deep among them.
He added: The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the establishment of a joint dialogue and cooperation mechanism with the presence of all the countries in the Persian Gulf strategic area is more necessary and fruitful than ever.
To this end, welcoming the initiative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations concerning the meeting of foreign ministers of the region in New York, he proposed the idea of setting up an "assembly of dialogue and cooperation" with the participation of all countries in the north and south of the Persian Gulf, and the written and written details of it will also be written in the near future. We will present it to all our southern neighbors.
A better, safer and more prosperous future is the common right of all our people and the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to redouble its efforts to that end.
Persian Gulf Tour
Hossein Amirabdollahian, the foreign minister, recently started his three-day diplomatic trip to key Arab countries in the Persian Gulf with the aim of establishing stronger relations with Iran and promoting regional cooperation.
Focusing on economic cooperation, his trip to Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Oman was an important step towards strengthening relations with Iran's southern Arab neighbors.
During this trip, he met and exchanged opinions with key leaders, including the Emir of Qatar, the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, the Prime Minister of Kuwait and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Oman. .
In addition, he met with the chief negotiator of the National Salvation Government of Yemen and met and discussed with his counterparts from these countries.
At the end of his regional trip, Amir Abdollahian said in a statement expressing his optimism for the future of these cooperations: Within the framework of economic and commercial cooperation, we will have very positive developments for our nation and the peoples. of these four countries in the region.
He underlined the importance of Iran for bilateral issues and emphasized discussion and exchange of views with emphasis on removing obstacles and strengthening cooperation in various fields, including economy, trade, tourism, science, technology and other areas of mutual interest.
Furthermore, the idea of creating a "regional forum for dialogue and cooperation" between the coastal countries of the northern and southern Persian Gulf was raised during these meetings and was accepted by the four countries visited.
Amir Abdollahian also announced that the initiative of Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, will lead to the formation of the first meeting of foreign ministers of eight neighboring countries, including Iran, Iraq and the countries neighbors on the southern shore of Africa. Persian Gulf, in September.
He hailed the action as a positive development.
It should be noted that during this trip, Iran and the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement with the aim of expanding air travel between the two countries and creating opportunities to increase trade and tourism.
Geopolitical scenarios
As the geopolitical outlook is undergoing significant changes, Iran finds itself in a critical position to expand its trade relations with neighboring countries.
Despite the severe consequences of Western sanctions, the government in Tehran has been able to overcome many challenges.
However, with the recent escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and the growing confrontation between the West and Russia, Iran has recognized the need to pursue a foreign policy that prioritizes strengthening relations with key players in the region.
In this scenario, Tehran is strategically focusing on strengthening economic relations and strengthening trade partnerships with its neighbors in the Persian Gulf.
Iran's objective is to reduce the impact of sanctions and strengthen its economic stability by diversifying its trade channels.
Through growing cooperation with countries in the region, the Islamic Republic is trying to tap into the countless capacities for trade, investment and mutual economic growth in the Persian Gulf region.
After the normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia, Iran has a unique opportunity to position itself more effectively in the Persian Gulf.
With the gradual reduction of tensions between the two regional powers, there is a growing opportunity to promote deeper engagement and strategic cooperation between local actors.
Under these conditions, Iran is taking active steps to increase its diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia and other influential countries in the region.
By enhancing mutual understanding and addressing common concerns, Tehran seeks to build trust and create an environment conducive to cooperation in various fields, including security, energy and regional stability.
A strategic partnership with Persian Gulf states allows Iran to play a more effective role in shaping the dynamics of the Persian Gulf and potentially lead to joint efforts to address common challenges and counter US influence.
Furthermore, Iran's strategic position allows it to use its land position as a logistical hub to connect Arab countries in the Persian Gulf with Central Asia and the Russian Federation.
Understanding the changing dynamics and fluctuating relationship between the United States and the Persian Gulf kingdoms, particularly under the Biden administration, Tehran sees this as an opportunity to diversify regional players and create an alternative bloc in Eurasia that can complement the NATO and the West to balance
By strengthening cooperation with Russia and China, two major world powers with their own interests in the region, Iran's goal is to create a solid foundation for a Eurasian bloc capable of challenging the dominance of Western influence. in the Persian Gulf and the wider Eurasian region.
In addition, the strengthening of economic and diplomatic relations with Russia and China brings Iran into their vast networks, resources and markets. This cooperation opens up prospects for increased trade, investment and technology, allowing Tehran to reduce its dependence on Western partners and position itself as a key player in the evolving Eurasian landscape. .
In addition, the growing dissatisfaction of some Persian Gulf countries with the United States, as well as Iran's efforts to promote regional stability, positions Tehran as a potential mediator and facilitator in the resolution of regional conflicts. .
By presenting itself as a reliable and neutral player, Iran can attract the support and participation of different countries and thus consolidate its influence and expand its role as a key player in the geopolitical dynamics of the Persian Gulf.
It should be noted that in the past, unlike the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which considered Iran a strategic threat to them, many Arab countries such as Oman, Qatar, Algeria and Kuwait wanted establish strong relations with Iran.
Now, with the warm relationship of these two countries with Tehran, it can be said that the serious obstacles have been removed and the bilateral relations will enter a new chapter.
Therefore, Iran's Foreign Minister's proposal is in line with Iran's national interests at the right time and intelligently.

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