Agreement with countries in the region to replace FATF, how much does Iran's economic relationship with the world cost?
The Governor General of the Central Bank said at the meeting of Ministers of Economy, Trade, Communication and Technology of Syria: During a meeting with the Syrian Ministers of Economy, Trade, Communications and Technology, the Governor General of the Central Bank said: monetary and banking cooperation between Iran and Syria will continue seriously and will intensify in the short term.

According to the Central Bank's public relations report, Mohammad Reza Farzin, the Governor of the Central Bank, met Mohammad Samer Al-Khalil, the Minister of Economy and Trade, as well as Iyad Al-Khatib, the Minister of Communications and Technology of the Republic of Syria, referring to the need to develop banking, economic and trade cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran. And Syria said: "The intensification of monetary and banking relations and cooperation, commercial and joint investments are on the serious agenda of Tehran and Damascus."
Referring to the development of Iran's banking and electronic card network and the central bank's willingness to cooperate in this area with Syria, the head of the central bank said: One of Iran's important strategies in the development of trade cooperation with neighboring countries is the replacement of national currencies in monetary, banking relations and the increase in the volume of trade and economic exchanges.
According to this report, Mohammad Samer Al-Khalil, Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade of Syria, also highlighted the increase in business relations and exchanges between Damascus and Tehran, and said: abandon the dollar trade relations and using national currencies in the framework of monetary and banking cooperation in Syria and Iran will certainly increase the volume of exports and imports of the two countries.
Mohammad Samer al-Khalil, stating that the process of agreements between Syria and Iran in various fields is on a very good track, said: the important goal is to achieve results in all matters related to issues between the two countries by following up on the approvals, which is in line with the interests of both countries.
Iyad al-Khatib, the Minister of Communications and Technology of Syria, during this meeting, referring to Iran's progress in the field of electronic banking, called for the formation of a joint working group between the two countries in order to increase technological cooperation in the field of communication and banking cooperation.

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