Make the country's economy predictable.
During the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce with the Union of Paper and Cardboard Producers of Iran, it was raised: Economic investment requires above all a clear vision of the future.

Having a prospect of economic stability can be a guarantee for investors more than any other factor.
It is therefore necessary to formulate policies and implement programs that make the country's economy predictable.
In this regard, Hossein Selahvarzi said at the Chamber of Commerce meeting: “The effort of the Iranian Chamber and organizations is to influence the path of policies, make the economy predictable in order to strengthen the private sector and the national economy. "
In a meeting with the Iranian Paper and Cardboard Producers Union, the President of the Iranian Chamber said: In order to achieve the goals of economic development, the Iranian Chamber promotes and pursues national interests which are the result of opinions and approaches of organizations. and the performance of economic activists.
In the path of economic development, the Iranian Chamber has entrusted the responsibility for the division of labor and organization of organizations as well as the national division of labor, and in this path, specialized organizations, unions and federations are invited to follow part of the economic needs of the country on the path to development.
The Speaker of the Iranian Chamber continued: The matching of specialized organizations is one of the issues raised during the meeting with the Iranian Paper and Cardboard Producers Union. The International Vice President of the Iranian Chamber can provide a database of economic organizations and companies. in Iran and in target countries.
This database will be of great help to economic activists.
The effectiveness of the Iranian Chamber and organizations is defined in the way of influencing policies; measures should be taken to improve the business environment, development and prosperity of production.
The Speaker of the Iranian Chamber said: One of the current problems in the country's economy is the instability of the business environment and the impact of this instability on economic business planning, but how does the Iranian Chamber can it be effective in this direction? Economic instability is related to internal and external factors, and economic activists do not have the power to eliminate and improve external factors, but we can be effective in the business environment in accordance with our mission and to our duties.
He continued: Economic instability manifests itself in various economic aspects and puts the economy and economic resources on the path to crisis, shortage and loss, which are the result of this production threat situation.
Therefore, I believe that the challenge for our next ten years is competitive production.
The objective of the Iranian Chamber during the 10th term of the delegation is to formulate the approach of a strong private sector and a powerful government.
The result of a strong relationship between the government and the private sector is high value-added production, and the Iranian Chamber follows this intellectual framework.
Selahvarzi pointed out: The Iranian Chamber has several programs on its agenda during this period, the Research Center of the Iranian Chamber seeks to compile a table of economic data and information production.
We want to collect information on different economic chains, with details of each industry in a single table.
Another issue pursued by the Iranian Chamber during this period is the creation of a model and platform that increases the planning and forecasting power for businesses in various fields.
He pointed out: At the meeting of the Iranian Chamber, the House of Industry, Mines and Commerce of Iran and the Supreme Center of Iranian Employers' Unions, it was agreed that multiple and parallel organizations would be grouped under the federation.
If the organizations in the value chain area are grouped into one large organization, then it can be said that the organizational system of the country is organized.

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