Petrochemicals is the country's leading industry.
Secretary General of the Petrochemical Industry Association: The Secretary General of the Petrochemical Industry Employers' Association, while expressing the importance of the petrochemical industry, said: "The petrochemical industry is the leader of the industries and the advantage of the country."

In an interview on the sidelines of the Iranplast exhibition, Ahmad Mahdavi said: Considering the country's rich hydrocarbon resources, the petrochemical industry is the leader of industries and the country's advantage.
The petrochemical industry offers the opportunity to develop these resources and transform them into added value.
He spoke about the importance of the petrochemical industry: Today, this industry plays a big role in people's material lives.
In the home appliance, automobile, IT, petrochemical industries, it plays a role even in the food and medical industries, and people's need for it is increasing day by day. For this reason, economic reason requires us to turn to this industry and transform our hydrocarbon resources into petrochemical products and value chains.
The General Secretary of the Petrochemical Industry Employers' Association explained about this association: The inherent duty of the association is to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of this industry.
These obstacles are problems created by the government or parliament with certain approvals and laws or which already exist and need to be corrected and resolved.
Mahdavi called the trade association "the link between the petrochemical industry and parliament, government and the judiciary" and said: "This association has the duty to make them aware of the problems of this industry and provide them with proposals from private sector experts and find solutions for them.
He said about the petrochemical industry's foreign exchange: The petrochemical industry served the country the most during the years of sanctions and made the largest non-oil exports and earned good foreign exchange.
Foreign exchange brought in by the petrochemical industry has provided most of the country's foreign exchange requirements, and on the other hand, we have provided about $6-7 billion annually to downstream industries and domestic industries, which should have been imported from abroad if not for petrochemicals.
These goods were produced from final goods and met the needs of the country, and even some final goods produced from petrochemicals were exported to other countries; This shows the importance of the petrochemical industry.
Mahdavi said about the role of the petrochemical industry in the stock market and capital market: Petrochemical products play a very important role in the stock market and capital market. 30% of the stock market belongs to petrochemicals; It is therefore necessary to remove by all possible means the obstacles to progress in this industry.He said: In Article 44 of the Constitution, a special award was given to organizations, and the same is true in the Law on the Elimination of Obstacles to Production. This is why this organization and this association have tried with all their might to remove these obstacles.
The general secretary of the Association of Employers of the Petrochemical Industry said regarding the problem of gas supply to petrochemical products: “To resolve this problem, the association played a key role and through negotiations with the government, the first vice-president, the minister of economy, the chairman of the parliamentary committee on the economy, the chairman of the parliamentary committee on industry and the president of parliament. Finally, it brought the gas feed rate back to the formula so that the formula meets the petrochemical needs and gas price. the power supply is logical.
He added: Not knowing what the gas price will do in the future will ruin the business environment. Because in this big industry, the investor must know what the price of feed gas will be, which is the main indicator of this work, if he wants to invest; The forum solved this big problem.
Relations with the central bank and the central bank service desk, customs and other executive bodies were issues that the association followed and monitored.
Mahdavi said about the relationship between petrochemical companies and the Petrochemical Industry Employers Association: Petrochemical companies reflect all their problems to the association.
The association tries to resolve these issues by interacting and organizing meetings with government officials and officials, and most of these issues have been resolved.
The general secretary of the Petrochemical Industry Employers' Association said of the association's relations with the government and parliament: Over the past two months, the government has agreed to register applications for the sale of Urea-based fertilizers as requested by petrochemical companies.
We are currently looking to take these demands and inject them into petrochemicals. Any problem that arises, we resolve it by interacting with the government and parliament. Even in the 7th Plan and in the area of investments in gas fields, we presented good proposals which, fortunately, were also favorably received by Parliament.
Regarding the government's wording on the gas supply rate, he said: Our proposal was to remove the European gas hub from the formula; Because Europe is not a producer of gas and petrochemical resources, but an importer.
It may have some production, but even Kefaf does not cover half of its needs and it is not possible to meet the criteria.
We should turn to energy-producing countries: hubs like America and Canada. The government did not accept it.
We have a problem with the floor price set in the formula, which we are looking to resolve.

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