The North-South Corridor is a unique opportunity to strengthen the national economy.
Iran's Ambassador to Russia said: The North-South Corridor is considered a unique opportunity for Iran and the future of Iran, which should be used to strengthen the national economy.

   The corridor is an opportunity for Iran, but it is a necessity and a vital category for Russia, given the geopolitical changes after the military operation in Ukraine.
   Islamic Iran holds the golden key in the field of the corridor, the North-South corridor is considered a unique opportunity for Iran and for the future of Iran, which should be taken advantage of to strengthen the national economy.
A group of economic activists from Khorasan Razavi province visited Russia on Sunday, December 5, 2023, in the form of a delegation led by the governor of this province.
The North-South corridor, the result of the will and determination of Russia, Iran and India in 2000 to create a goods transport corridor, saw the addition of many other countries to this route transit over the following years.
What motivated these countries to join this transit route is that the common routes for moving goods from India to St. Petersburg, Russia, which pass through the Suez Canal, are approximately 14,500 m long. kilometers, but Iran's corridor on this route is only 7,200 kilometers. kilometers, and using this capacity reduces transit time by 40% and transportation costs by 30%.
This corridor includes three routes, including two land and rail routes to the east and west of the Caspian Sea, as well as a combined land and sea route: Russia - Caspian Sea - Iran.
In May 2024, after the speeches of the presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, the contract for the construction of the Rasht-Astara railway with a length of 162 kilometers was signed. This railway line completes the railway line of the western route of the North-South corridor.
In the railway section located east of the Caspian Sea, the north-south corridor is still active. Goods using this route cross Russia and Kazakhstan through one of Iran's two railway borders at Sarkhas (Razavi Khorasan province) and enter our country and reach Bandar Abbas by railway.

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