The detail of foreign trade in 9 months/oil export was 26.4 billion dollars.
According to the customs declaration: The volume of foreign trade reached 112 billion dollars in the nine months of this year, with a growth of 7%, and the share of non-oil exports amounted to 36 billion 430 million dollars.

 Mohammad Rizwanifar said: “This is the first time that the export statistics of petroleum, electricity and technical and engineering services as well as the export of non-oil products are published by the customs, which constitutes an approach to transparency by the government in the exercise of its functions. trade.
The head of Iranian customs added: The country's exports in the 9 months of this year, including oil, electricity and technical and engineering services, and excluding trade export statistics baggage, reached 63 billion 970 million dollars.
Rizvanifar said: The amount of oil exports in 9 months of this year reached 26 billion 460 million dollars.
According to him, during the 9 months of this year, the amount of exports of technical and engineering services amounted to 780 million dollars and that of electricity to 300 million dollars.
Highlighting that the country's foreign trade volume (sum of imports and exports) reached $112 billion in the 9 months of this year with a growth of 7%, Rizvanifar said: including the export of crude oil , technical and engineering services and electricity, this number is more than 15. We see a foreign trade surplus of $5 billion during this period.
Non-oil exports reached $36.4 billion
Regarding the amount of non-oil exports excluding oil, electricity and technical and engineering services during the 9 months of this year, the Deputy Minister of Economy said: During this period, 101,904,000 tons of goods worth 36,430,000,000 dollars were exported abroad. 26.48% by weight and decreased by 68% in value.
Rezvanifar added: The top three export products in 9 months of this year are liquefied natural gas worth 2 billion 700 million dollars, liquefied propane worth 2 billion 300 million dollars and methanol worth 1 billion 700 million dollars. of dollars.
Among the 10 main export products, the strongest growth in value concerns respectively liquefied natural gas, petroleum gases and liquefied gaseous hydrocarbons, semi-finished products made of iron or non-alloy steel, and the largest decrease among the main export products. the goods are for liquefied propane, iron or steel rods and liquefied butane have been allocated.
The Deputy Minister of Economy said regarding the main countries of the trading parties for the destination of Iranian exports: China with 10 billion and 300 million dollars, Iraq with 6 billion and 900 million dollars, the Arab Emirates united with 4 billion and 700 million dollars. dollars, Turkey with 3 billion and 300 billion dollars and India with 1 billion and 700 million dollars were the top five destinations for Iranian product exports.
Imports of $48.4 billion
Rezvanifar said: During the 9 months of this year, 48 billion and 420 million dollars of goods were imported into the country, which was accompanied by a growth of 12.29%, and 60 million dollars of total imports were spent on electricity. The weight of imported goods during this period was 28,700,000 tons, an increase of 6%.
According to him, livestock corn with 2.8 billion dollars, mobile phones with 2 billion dollars and soybeans with 1.5 billion dollars were the three main imported products during this period. Among the top 10 imported goods in terms of value, gold in raw form, passenger car parts and smart mobile phones saw the largest increase and the two commodities, rice and wheat, saw the largest increase. slump.
Rizwanifar said: The top 5 countries that import trade with Iran include UAE with $15 billion, China with $13.7 billion, Turkey with $5.30 billion, Germany with 1.6 billion dollars and India with one billion and 400 million dollars.
Regarding the average customs value of each tonne of non-oil goods exported and imported during the 9 months of this year, he said: the value The average customs value of each ton of exported goods decreased by 21.48% to $358, and the average customs value of each ton of imported goods decreased by 5. The decrease of 89% reached $1,683.
Rezvanifar spoke about the export of petrochemical products in 9 months of this year: during this period, 38 million 200 thousand tons of petrochemical products, worth 15 billion dollars, were exported to the foreign, which despite the increase of 26.52% in weight, due to the drop in global prices This product experienced a drop of 11.84% in value.

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