Exploitation of the Arash gas field / Do Iran and Kuwait agree?
The presidential legal aide said: The Arash gas field is one of the important gas fields over which three countries, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, are in conflict.

This important field, which has a common border with Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, is one of the important gas fields whose exploitation can play an important role in the supply of energy as well as in the economy of the country.
Rumors indicate that the only way to resolve disputes over the Arash gas field is through negotiations.
The presidential legal adviser said: "Negotiation is the best way to resolve the dispute over the Arash gas field, but if Kuwait wants to exploit this field, we will exploit it too."
Mohammad Dehghan spoke about the legal measures aimed at resolving the disputes between Iran and Kuwait regarding the Arash gas field: The Arash gas field is shared and part of this field belongs to Iran, and we have already drilled a well in this field, but the well was closed.
The Kuwaiti government has made unjustified claims and believes that all the fields belong to it, which is baseless.
Before the revolution, we discovered the Arash gas field, and after the Islamic revolution, we drilled a well in this field and acquired rights, but since our maritime border with Kuwait was not clarified, Kuwait's claim is to define the maritime border. first, and then we'll know. Let's see which parts of Arash Square belong to which country.
In response to the question of whether this dispute can be resolved through negotiation, he clarified: Yes, the best way is negotiation.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for resolving this issue through negotiation, but if the Kuwaiti government wants to exploit this deposit, we will definitely start exploiting it based on the wells we have dug or are going to dig.
But it is better to have common exploitation and common interests.
If Saudi Arabia has a common border with us, we believe in a common harvest with this country so that the field is not destroyed and that it is exploited to the maximum.
We do not expect Kuwait to make claims beyond its limits.
The Arash gas field is one of the Iranian gas fields located in the north of the Persian Gulf, in Bushehr province.
This gas field is one of Iran's common fields with Kuwait.
The Arash field was discovered in 1346 by the Japanese company AOC.
The dispute began when Iran granted maritime privilege to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company; While Kuwait granted this privilege to Royal Dutch Shell.
These two points overlap in the northern part of the square.
Nearly 40% of the Arash gas field is located in Iranian waters.
In recent years, the Iranian National Oil Company has drilled an exploration well called "Arash Well No. 1" to determine the amount of reserves in the Arash gas field.
In 2001, after Iran began exploration operations at the Arash field, Kuwait immediately threatened to sue Iran in international forums.
After the visit of the Emir of Kuwait to Tehran under Mohammad Khatami, Iran stopped its exploration activities and used the platform built for this field in other fields.

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