Due to sanctions, Iran was unable to become a member of the World Trade Organization.
The spokesperson for the Trade Development Commission of the House of Industry, Mines and Commerce said. It is possible to reach $10 billion in trade between Iran and Eurasian Economic Union member countries if trade and logistics barriers are removed.

Ruhollah Latifi said: The signing of the Iran-Eurasia Free Trade Agreement in early January this year was an unprecedented event for Iran.
In fact, after the preferential trade agreement between Iran and 5 member countries of this union became operational in November 2018, and customs duties on around 800 goods were close to zero, trade between Iran and the member countries of this union have of course increased. , a series of disputes in the region have also hampered the growth of trade between Iran and member countries.
Referring to the membership of more than 130 countries around the world in the World Trade Organization, he said: the member countries of this organization trade with each other because they benefit from tariff exemptions for membership in this organization, and due to the fact that they benefit from tariff exemptions. The cost of goods will be reduced for them, but we have not been able to become a member of this organization and enjoy the benefits of being a member of this organization due to sanctions and obstructions from the United States.
We must therefore take advantage of our membership in the Eurasian Economic Union and exploit this situation to the maximum for commercial purposes.
The spokesperson for the Trade Development Commission of the House of Industry, Mines and Trade said: In the railway sector, part of our goods can reach the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union through the region of the Caucasus, and part of it can reach Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan and Russia through Central Asia, which is the starting point, is Turkmenistan.
Referring to the solution of the transit problem as well as the gas price settlement with Turkmenistan in the 13th government, Latifi said: Iran can use the Turkmenistan transit route to export goods to member countries of the Eurasian Union, notably Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. and Russia, which can be effective in developing our trade relations with member countries in the region.
Referring to the market of more than 180 million people of the Eurasian Economic Union member countries, he said: the trade volume of these countries is about a trillion dollars, so we can also use this capacity.
Firstly, to expose the goods they need, it is therefore necessary for our sales representatives to become more active in these countries.
   In the second step, we must produce with quality the goods that these countries need.
   In order to increase trade relations with Eurasian Union member countries, links related to pre-production, production, trade and logistics must be integrated and we must enter these markets with planning.
If we do not have a plan to enter these markets, despite tariff discussions and joining free trade with these countries, our share will certainly not be able to increase.
He added: “Currently, we are seeing growth in exports to the Eurasian Union member states, but on the other hand, our imports to Eurasia have increased, so if we cannot strengthen ourselves, then the free trade agreement will be one of them. -on the side and in favor of the Eurasian members."
Latifi said: The free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union is the beginning of a leap in the export of Iranian products to this union and the countries surrounding it and the creation of a route for passage of commercial goods.
Spokesperson for the Trade Development Commission of the House of Industry, Mines and Commerce said: Iran can create a new route for its goods markets through the member states of the Economic Union Eurasian, or provide access to the countries of North Africa, on the Persian border. Gulf, West and South Asia.

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