40% increase in transit compared to last year.
The head of the organization of road and road transport announced: He reported growth of 14% in freight transportation, 12% in suburban passenger transportation and 40% in mass transit compared to last year.

“Dariush Amani” said at the general assembly meeting of this organization: All our efforts are aimed at maintaining the income of the organization and increasing productivity, and we are also trying to seek new and sustainable income other than the government budget. To be self-sufficient and to achieve this objective, it is necessary to correctly and efficiently carry out this volume of operations and missions that are carried out in the organization.
The Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development, expressing satisfaction with the number of operations carried out this year in various fields, said: This year, 2,800 kilometers of rural roads were constructed in the country, which is unique in its kind, in the freight transport sector. This year saw growth of 14% in the passenger transport sector and 12% in the transit sector, as well as an increase of almost 40% compared to last year.
Amani added: The creation and maintenance of infrastructure, implementation of asphalt coating on roads leading to border terminals are important issues and priorities of the organization, and the importance of transit corridors in the country's economic diplomacy occupies a special place, including the opening of the Astara border crossing, which was followed by various meetings, both parties were carried out and with the opening of this crossing part of the heavy traffic of this axis has been reduced.
Today, transit corridors are of great importance. Iran is located at the intersection of corridors and has many access routes that should be used. Recording a 7.1% growth in transit in 9 months of this year compared to the average annual performance of the last 12 years shows the serious attention of the 13th government to this category.
The head of the Center for Assemblies and Contracts Supervision of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development also said: The road traffic and road transport organization is one of the most important service organizations in the country and the special role of this organization serving the population is not hidden from anyone.
"Mehdi Nouraei" said: This organization had the honor of recently receiving a certificate of appreciation from the president for facilitating prayer on the roads of the country, and we hope that this organization can do more in the service of the people and the system.
He said: The performance of the Road Administration and Road Transport Organization is effective in all areas of society and people's social participation, and most people benefit from the services of this organization in their travel. , so if the movement process is easier and road users suffer fewer difficulties, this undoubtedly has an impact on the unity and cohesion of the people, and these are works that are directly and indirectly linked to the performance of the road and road transport organization.

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