The FATF agreed to remove Iran's name from the seventh recommendation.
Following the letter of protest from the Minister of the Economy addressed to the head of the special group, financial measures were taken;

Following the letter of protest from the Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, the head of the Financial Action Task Force, in an official letter, while accepting the request of the Islamic Republic of Iran, stated that the amendments and changes of its standards related to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 addressed to all member countries and the Jahani network its fight against money laundering.
This issue shows the demands of the People's Government and the Council for the Prevention of Money Laundering Crimes and Terrorist Financing with the aim of asserting the rights of the Iranian nation to the Financial Action Task Force.
Earlier, Seyyed Ahsan Khandozi, Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, in a protest letter to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), requested that the name of the Islamic Republic of Iran be removed from recommendation 7 and d other related documents of this recommendation. body compliant with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231. To be omitted.
Recommendation 7 of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concerns targeted sanctions related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, which requires countries to take measures such as confiscation of funds and assets of designated individuals, in accordance with resolutions United Nations. Security Council.

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