Details of Iran-Afghanistan/Dozbolagh trade facilitation to be removed.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iran-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce: According to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iran-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce, with the elimination of double billing in Iran-Afghanistan trade, the cost of trade between the two countries has been reduced and a platform has been prepared. for zero customs duties.

Mahmoud Siadat, President of the Iran-Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce, in an interview with Ilna reporter regarding the new agreement between the two countries to facilitate the transit of goods, said: duties on the export of goods from Iran to Afghanistan were perceived by the Iranians under the name of Dozbolagh, during the establishment of the republican government. In Afghanistan, the collection of these tolls was removed from the Iranian side, and Iran took the promise from the Afghan government to remove the double collection of tolls, but the Afghan side did not keep this promise and the Iranians resumed the collection of these tolls.
He added: “Over the past month, a 20-member expert delegation from officials from Herat and Kabul, led by Haj Ibrahim Hekmat, senior economic advisor to Afghanistan's deputy cabinet, along with the Iranian delegation , visited the three common borders between Iran. and Afghanistan, and good agreements were reached during this visit."
Siadat continued: In addition, the Joint Cooperation Commission, established two months ago in Tehran following the visit of Mollabrader and his accompanying delegation, concluded agreements, including the agreements reached within this committee concerned the increase in working hours of border customs. . At this meeting, the elimination of Dozbolagh was also discussed.
The head of the Iran-Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce noted: Afghans, in addition to the two-letter currency, take another number called road pass for the movement of cars.
The Roadpass is taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan and consulates, and the Transport Organization of Afghanistan cannot intervene in this matter. However, now the Afghan border has been removed, but the Roadpass is still taken.
Siadat said: Now, following the agreements reached, the customs duties between Iran and Afghanistan have been reduced, and the Iranian side has reduced the customs duties as much as the Afghan side has reduced the customs duties in order to strengthen trade between the two countries. .
Finally, he said: The Afghan side welcomes zero customs duties between the two countries with open arms and the ground is ready for these duties to reach zero. Above all, despite the conflicts between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Afghanistan prefers to transit more through Iran. With these interpretations and with the good intentions that I have seen on both sides, I do not see the reduction to zero of customs duties between Iran and Afghanistan far from being expected.

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