Conclusion of a 70 million euro contract in the field of refining and distribution.
The Deputy Minister of Oil said: In the field of refining and distribution, we signed a contract worth 70 million euros, mainly with knowledge-based companies.

Jalil Salari, Deputy Minister of Oil, said at the unveiling ceremony of the card readers produced inside the smart fuel system: “A year of continuous efforts have been made and we have supported the youth of the The national elite and Iranian businesses until today we witness the unveiling. Iranian fuel system card readers."
He added: We took the opportunity to sanction the infrastructure that was created with the knowledge base approach and we have almost 70 million euros worth of contracts in the area of refining and distribution contracts.
The Deputy Minister of Oil said: We have Iranianized the knowledge on improving the quality of fuel oil and the production of catalysts, and we seek to increase the knowledge of foundations in the field of refining and distribution.
He continued: "The commodity chain debate is a neglected issue. We need to create a commodity chain and bring all knowledge-based businesses under one roof and in the form of partnership, Something greater will happen.”
The CEO of the National Oil Refining and Distribution Company pointed out: We have identified the product chain in all refining companies, but the issue of providing financial resources is a problem faced by companies based on awareness.
He adds: “We are looking for a model of ownership and participation in the localization of technical knowledge while preserving intellectual property.
Stating that we have moved towards a knowledge-based economy, Salari said: the conclusion of the contract model should be accelerated, almost 10 investment projects have the capacity to work on knowledge in the refining industry and of distribution.
"We hope to soon be able to implement the shareholding model to bring all collections under one roof. Today, we manufacture 70-80% of the equipment for the refining and distribution industry in-house, but the product chain is not complete."
The current Deputy Minister of Oil showed that fuel smuggling is an important issue and measures are being taken to prevent fuel diversion in the distribution cycle and problems that lead to fuel smuggling.

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