Official exploitation of Sepehr and Jafir oil fields worth $2.8 billion.
The Deputy Minister of Oil announced: The Director General of the Iranian National Oil Company announced the official exploitation of the Sephar and Jafir fields soon and said: This national project worth 2.8 billion dollars will be put into operation with a daily production of 50 000 barrels of oil.

Mohsen Khojaste Mehr, announcing that the official exploitation of the Sepehr and Jafir fields would begin soon, said: This national project will be put into operation under a contract worth $2.8 billion with production daily of 50,000 barrels of light oil intended for export.
He said that special attention was paid to internal construction in this national plan and added: In this plan, due to the high pressure of the oil reservoir, it was not possible to use the usual well equipment, and therefore, during the development of location of the well completion equipment. This was done with a pressure of 10 thousand psi.
The Deputy Minister of Oil said: The installation, implementation and completion of 51 km of oil pipeline and the construction of more than 32 km of access roads and passages are among other measures that have been implemented in the development of the Sepehr and Jafir fields. .
According to this report, the Sephar and Jafir oil fields are located in the west of the Karun region, southwest of the city of Ahvaz.
Khojaste Mehr said: I appreciate the efforts of my colleagues from the Iranian National Oil Company, the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company and the subcontractor company for the development of this project, which is an important symbol of the crystallization of the national manufacturing industry.
This 20-year contract, signed with the aim of producing oil from one of Iran's deepest and most pressurized oil layers, was the first of new oil contracts that led to oil production.
The number of wells until the end of the project will be 135 wells, which will produce 110,000 barrels of oil per day from the Sepehr and Jafir fields at the end of the contract.

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