Inflow of $5.5 billion in foreign capital last year.
Seyyed Ahsan Khandozi told a press conference: By the end of the 12th government, the Iranian economy suffered from 3 significant problems: First, the critical nature of various conflicts caused the inflation rate to increase from 20 to 25 percent to an average of 40 percent over the years 90.

The government's economic spokesperson added: The second problem is unstable growth, and in some seasons the former government reduced the size of the Iranian economy by recording negative figures, and the result of these two problems was was the formation of a lack of motivation, of a negative feeling. economic prospects and a sharp decline in the population's participation in the economy.
Economic growth has not stopped
Khandozi added: In 1402, despite the government's goal of reducing the growth rate of liquidity, a series of measures prevented the country's economic growth from stopping. Among them, we can cite the improvement of the business environment, efforts to direct credit towards productive sectors and finally the increase in resources allocated to the country's construction sector.
He added: These measures enabled the economic growth rate of 6.7% with oil and 4.2% without oil during the 9 months of last year.
Furthermore, economic growth during the two years of the 13th government was 12.6%.
Under the twelfth government, this index was negative 1.3%.
The Minister of Economy and Finance added: The economic growth rate without oil was also 10.4% during the 2 years of the 13th government.
Facilitate the entry of people into the production sector
He said about the slogan of the year about the leap into production with people's participation: This year's slogan repeatedly emphasizes the importance of production in addition to expanding the scope of people's participation to national production. contains serious strategies for the government. Move towards strengthening and developing entrepreneurial culture, improving the business environment, not only in the area of licensing facilitation, but also regulatory assistance to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses. producers of the country, granting incentives to foreign and domestic investment, greater participation of the private and cooperative sector, and opening arms. In order to use these capabilities, the government provides financing from various methods, including the capital market, reducing state participation in economic activities, accelerating the process of transferring enterprises from the list (transfer of accountability) and strengthening government oversight and governance capacities, as well as strengthening public and private participation in line with the objective. This year's decision will be on the agenda.
The Minister of Economy added: In addition, this year is the first year of implementation of the 7th Development Plan, and this plan includes many points, particularly with regard to the knowledge economy, maritime economy, economic drivers, etc. be.
The latest state of gross fixed capital formation
Regarding the state of capital flight and the government's plan to control it, Khandozi said: One of the fundamental variables of growth, which has a predictive role for future growth, is the amount of capital formation fixed. Under the Twelfth Government we have seen a total decrease of 33% in gross fixed capital formation and over the last two years we have seen a total growth of over 8%.
We have a better situation in the machinery sector, this sector grew by 7.1% in the 9 months of last year, and in the construction sector this index was 2.9%.
Khandozi clarified: So it is not an exaggeration to say that we have overcome all or no negative consequences of past investments, but we should not complain about this issue. This year, we plan to use incentive tools to attract foreign and domestic investment.
Some of these tools will be through programs such as construction budgets and others through variables that indirectly increase the motivation to invest.
Regarding the government's plan for the new year to move towards a people's economy, he said: The government's actions can be classified into two levels: the first is the role of the people in producing and managing the economy, and the second is popular supervision of the economic performance of the public sector.
Continuity in the publication of public sector financial statements
The Minister of Economy added: In the People's Supervision Department, over the past two and a half years, we have tried to make the people not only observers of the performance of the government sector but also of the entire public sector of the country's economy by publishing financial statements. This process will also continue this year.
Khandozi added: A series of measures have been considered regarding the role of people in production. In this context, a bill aimed at modifying article 44 of the general policy law has been prepared.
This bill may create oversight and also changes to the classification definitions of transferable corporations.
The government's economic spokesperson said: Furthermore, at the last meeting of the Article 44 Supreme Political Council, executive bodies were asked to withdraw from the management of companies in which they do not hold a share important.
But in this direction, we must learn from past mistakes in power transfers, paying attention to the public sector and dividing the country's industries into small scales.
According to Khandozi, the current solution for high economic growth is to strengthen scalable industrial production and create competition there.
The government's plan to increase production with the participation of the population
Regarding the government's plan for the new year to move towards a people's economy, he said: The government's actions can be classified into two levels: the first is the role of the people in producing and managing the economy, and the second is popular supervision of the economic performance of the public sector.
The Minister of Economy added: In the People's Supervision Department, over the past two and a half years, we have tried to make the people not only observers of the performance of the government sector but also of the entire public sector of the country's economy by publishing financial statements.
This process will also continue this year.

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