Implementation of the transit corridor management model at the Ministry of Roads and Urbanism.
Deputy Minister of Roads: The implementation of the transit corridor management model under integrated and unique management based on successful regional and global experiences, as a duty and role of governance, is monitored by the Vice-Chancellor of Transport.

Shahriar Efendizadeh said: He viewed transit corridors as the intersection of cooperation, coordination, strategies, objectives, plans and oversights of member governments and other stakeholders including cargo owners , traders, private sector activists and international transport and logistics companies, and stressed: Strengthening and developing this wide range of intergovernmental cooperation requires the implementation of the transit corridor management model at the level of the member countries of these corridors by the governing institutions.
The Deputy Minister of Transport in charge of Roads and Urban Development continued: At the intergovernmental level, coordination councils composed of senior officials from member countries, as the highest political and decision-making institutions, as well as groups of experts and of specialists from these countries, as decision-making and decision-making bodies of the coordination councils, within the framework International treaties that are the basis for the formation of transit corridors determine the general orientations, policies, strategies and plans of action related to the corridors. SO; Guiding and monitoring the progress of such joint actions requires the establishment of a unified and unified management in the governance structure of the members at the national level.
Efendizadeh added: In addition to monitoring, facilitating, directing and controlling executive and operational affairs within the framework of the secretariat's activities in the countries, this coherent and unified management mechanism also coordinates internal coordination with other ministries. and relevant government agencies and private sector activists and businessmen. In areas such as the targeted and synchronized development of transport and logistics infrastructure, transport standards, regulations and rules, the optimal allocation of construction budgets, the smoothing of transit and the removal of obstacles and process problems in border areas and territory of countries, sharing of documents and information and category It is important to implement intelligentization and new logistics solutions, including multimodal and combined transport.
The Deputy Minister of Transport in charge of Roads and Urban Development said: Considering the limits of functions and powers as well as the existing governance capacities within the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in the transport sector of the country, in particular the High Council for Transport Coordination and the Council for the Organization of Authorized Land Entry and Exit Points, both headed by the Honorable Minister of Roads and Urban Development, as well as actual and potential executive capacities transport organizations and subsidiaries in the maritime, rail, road and air divisions, is a comprehensive model for the management of developing transit corridors, which obviously, the advancement of this model requires the cooperation and synergy of all relevant departments and institutions in the transit category of the country as well as the private sector is active.
In conclusion, he added: In line with the achievement of this strategic and capacity-building model, which is implemented based on successful regional and global experiences, if existing capacity is approved in Chapter 12 of the Seventh Plan of development, which was recently submitted by the honorable speaker to the parliament Islami was presented, concerning the establishment of the national transit headquarters with the composition of the ministers of economic affairs and finance, industry, mines and trade , the country, oil and foreign affairs and the country's program and budget Organization headed by the Minister of Roads and Urban Planning, it will be used wisely.

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