The release of American prisoners, in exchange for the release of 6 billion dollars from Iran .
The process of implementing the agreement between Iran and the United States for the exchange of prisoners and the release of all Iranian money blocked in South Korea has begun.

According to this report, in this process, Iran's money in Korea is supposed to be converted from Won (South Korea's currency) to Euro, which has been done, and then it is supposed to be transferred to an account. in Qatar to be available for Iran. . .
The amount of Iranian money in South Korea that is about to be released is $6 billion.
After depositing this money in an account in Qatar, the exchange of prisoners also takes place.
In this exchange, four American citizens (Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharqi, Murad Tahbaz and another prisoner) are released in exchange for the release of the same number or more Iranians held by the Americans.
Well-informed sources have said that the American prisoners will not be freed until the money from Iran is fully transferred to Qatar.
In addition to seeking diplomatic solutions for the release of Iran's resources to South Korea, our country's government had also started legal proceedings against South Korea about a month ago, and these two paths will eventually lead release of all resources.

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